How to engrave curved objects?
When we talk about crystal 3D laser inner engraving, we normally imagine engraving the image into crystal cubes. However, you may also see crafts for balls or some other shape.
How to engrave curved objects with the laser machine?
To engrave the curved objects, we should use some tools to fix the curved objects and make a flat for them.
Then why do we need to use some tools to fix the curved objects and make a flat for them?
When the light goes into the crystal, the refraction will happen.
If the light goes inside with the same flat, it is much easier to calculate the path of the light and make the image.
If the light goes into the crystal with a curved side, then only calculating the refraction of light will be very complex and difficult work, that needs very detailed and accurate data of the crystal object.
However, the crystals currently produced in large quantities will inevitably have some dimensional errors.
So, for now, all the software is built based on the assumption that all the light goes into the crystal with a flat. Based on this assumption, the software calculated the path of light, controlled the laser to create dots, and formed an image. Therefore, to engrave the curved objects, we need to use some tools to fix the curved objects and make a flat for them.
First, let us see what will happen if we don't use any tool to engrave the curved object, like the ball.
The same light will carve straight lines in a cube and curves in a sphere.
If we use a concave crystal template to fill one side of the curved crystal and fix the crystal in place, we can then engrave straight lines in the crystal.
Finally, to give you a clearer picture of the tools we need to use and the engraving process, we would like to share with you a video.
Finally, due to the irregular curved surface of the crystal, it may visually form a magnifying glass effect, so there may be visual differences from the actual image.